7 Stages of Dementia: A Step-by-Step Caregiver’s Guide

7 Stages of Dementia A Step-by-Step Caregiver's Guide

Did you know that in 2020, there were over 55 million people worldwide living with dementia? This number is estimated to double every 20 years. This means there will be around 78 million people suffering from dementia in 2030 and around 139 million in 2050.  Dementia is one of the most feared chronic diseases of […]

Vascular Dementia Vs Alzheimer’s: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Vascular Dementia Vs Alzheimer’s Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are both grueling diseases that devastate millions of people worldwide. Almost 55-60 million people have Alzheimer’s and dementia, 60% of cases occurring in low-income countries. Every year, 10 million new cases are added to this number, which is only expected to grow yearly. In such urgent circumstances, we must understand how these […]

Palliative Care at Home vs Hospice: Key Differences & Benefits

Palliative Care at Home vs Hospice Key Differences & Benefits

Care seekers and their loved ones endure a great deal of difficulty when confronted with serious disease or nearing the end of life. It is critical to make informed decisions about the sort of treatment to get during these times. Palliative care vs hospice are two major options that many people must consider.  Do you […]

11 Best Activities for Dementia Patients at Home

11 Best Activities for Dementia Patients at Home (1)

The number of people facing dementia is growing every year, and hence, it is necessary to create a comforting and stimulating environment for the ones serving with dementia. Moreover, staying active can yield many physical and cognitive health benefits for dementia patients. Exercise, music, games, and art are just a few that have helped individuals […]

Care for Elderly in Home: 10 Signs Your Elderly Parent Needs Help

Care for Elderly in Home 10 Signs Your Elderly Parent Needs Help

Seeing our parents grow old is undoubtedly a harsh reality of life. From taking care of you as a child and being your support to someone who needs assistance with even basic life tasks, they grow old. As hurtful as it might seem, the question is, what can you do to make these golden years […]